Caring for you,
your family
and friends.
Providing comfort, compassion, and quality care to Northwest and North Central Kansas since 1982.
We hope the information you'll find here will be helpful as you explore Palliative Care, Home Health Care and Hospice Care.
Please contact us with your questions or comments!
People seldom say I love you...
And then it's either too late...or love goes
So when I tell you I love you
It doesn't mean I know you'll never go
Only that I wish you didn't have to
-L.C. Greene
Thank you to
The Dane G. Hansen Foundation
The Dane G. Hansen Foundation awarded NWKareS a grant of $ 91,060 to expand telecare to improve care those we serve. The funds will cover the costs of equipment for telecare including tele-monitoring software, patient monitoring devices and patient monitoring applications for smartphones. NWKares is so very appreciative of this support for us to better serve our communities.
In 2017, NWKareS partnered the University of Kansas (KU) Medical Center to research the use of telehealth in hospice care. The use of telecare increased the efficiency of care provided and removed the long distance barriers that isolate many hospice patients.
NWKareS is partnering with TRU Community Care (TRU), Boulder, Colorado, to expand telecare in northwest Kansas and to offer remote patient monitoring. This innovative approach is to make health care more convenient and accessible to everyone. Our telecare hospice program is designed to address the needs of isolated elderly patients, the growing shortage of physician and nursing resources, the changing economics of health care, the changing demographics of an aging population, and the impact of COVID-19. Our telecare program provides remote patient monitoring technology that continually engages hospice patients, closely monitors patients’ health, and enables timely clinical intervention for effective disease management.

In May 2014, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization launched a first of its kind national public awareness campaign called Moments of Life: Made Possible by Hospice.
The goal of Moments of Life: Made Possible by Hospice is to educate the public about the choices we all have when facing a life-limiting illness, and how choosing hospice (or palliative care earlier in an illness) is not 'giving up.'
Click here to visit the Moments of Life web-site.